Little is known
of Francis Hauksbee's life, even the dates of his birth and death are not
well documented in most scientific biographies. The christening of Francis Hawksby took place on 27 May 1660 at the church of
St Mary at the Walls, Colchester, Essex,
England. He was buried 29 April 171319
Hauksbee was appointed to the post of Curator and
instrument maker of the Royal Society by Issac Newton, when Newton was
president of the Society

Hauksbee's first apparatus for spinning a glass vial,
c.1706. While it is the first such device, it is not recognized as the
first electrical machine of the type since it's purpose was to agitate
mercury within the vial vs. produce electricity.
This book is the Italian
translation of Hauksbee's important work: "Physico-Mechanical Experiments on Various Subjects.
Containing an Account of Several Surprising Phenomena Touching Light and
Electricity", first published in English in 1709. It is one of the
most important works in early electricity and introduced several new
concepts and discoveries.

fisico-meccaniche sopra vari soggetti contenenti un racconto di diversi
stupendi fenomeni intorno alla luce e l'elettricitą producibile dallo
strofinamento de' corpi, con molte altre notabili apparenze non mai
osservate. Colle spiegazioni di tutte le macchine
Francis Hauksbee
1716 |

Hauksbee's Glass-Globe
Friction Machine |