"Experiments and Observations tending to illustrate the Nature and
Properties of Electricity", and "In order to discover whether the
Electrical Power would be sensible at great distances. With An
Experimental Inquiry concerning the respective Velocities of Electricity
and Sound" William Watson
1748 |
An early treatise on electricity by one of its earliest proponents, Sir
William Watson, a leading figure in the Royal Society and described as one
of "the most distinguished name in this period of the history of
electricity"3 It is to him we owe the term
circuit. Watson was the first to observe the flash of light from the
discharge of a Leyden jar, as well as
providing the first demonstration of the passage of electricity through a
vacuum, and the plus and minus of electricity. Watson wrote almost all his
works for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, but due to
the demands of an eager and wider audience, many were published in pamphlet
form in advance of the periodical's publication. The present work is notable
for containing 'Le Monnier's experiment in a pond near the Tuilleries, p. 3;
Watson's experiment on the Thames, p. 5; the coatings of the Leyden jar used
on this noteworthy occasion were iron filings and sheet lead, p. 5; one-mile
circuit, p. 40; velocity of sound and electricity pp. 42. 47; flashes inside
jar at time of discharge p. 74'4

Illustration of Watson's experiment to determine the
velocity of electricity |
His experiments to determine the velocity of electricity are of particular
interest. The general belief at that time was that electricity was faster
than sound, but no accurate test had as yet been devised to measure the
velocity of a current. Watson, in fields north of London, laid out a line of
wire supported by dry sticks and silk which ran for 12,276 feet. Even at
this length the 'Velocity of Electricity was instantaneous.' (p. 54).
Resistance in the wire was also noticed but apparently not fully understood,
as Watson relates that 'we observed again, that although the electrical
compositions were very severe to those who held the wires, the report of the
Explosion at the prime Conductor was little, in comparison of that which is
heard when the Circuit is short.' (ibid). Watson eventually decided not to
pursue his electrical experiments concentrating instead upon his medical
career, but he continued to support others in presenting evidence to the
Royal Society and became a champion of Benjamin Franklin.
This copy was previously owned by Herbert McLean Evans, the discoverer of
Vitamin E, and William A. Cole, the distinguished collector and
bibliographer of chemistry.