André-Marie Ampère
(1775 - 1836) |
Ampère was present at the Académie des Sciences on
Sept. 11, 1820, when François Arago performed - for the first time in
France - Hans Christian Oersted’s experiment demonstrating the magnetic
effects of current-carrying wires on magnetized needles. Inspired by
Oersted’s discovery, Ampère immediately concluded that magnetism was
electricity in motion, an intuitive leap which he sought to confirm by
During September and October 1820, Ampère per-formed a series of
experiments designed to elucidate the exact nature of the relationship
between electric current-flow and magnetism, as well as the
relationships governing the behavior of electric currents in various
types of conductors. His investigations, reported weekly before the
Académie des Sciences, established the new science of electrodynamics.

Mémoire présenté à l’Académie
royale des sciences
Annales de Chimie tome XV
1820 |
Ampère’s most detailed report on the events of September and October
1820 was published as a lengthy two-part memoir in the Annales de Chimie
et de Physique. Written hurriedly and in disjointed segments, it is a
rich source of information in spite of its chronological errors. . . .”
(Hofmann, p. 238). Among the discoveries described in this memoir are
Ampère’s demonstration of the tangential orientation of a magnetic
needle by an electric current when terrestrial magnetism is neutralized;
his proof that conducting planar spirals attract and repel each other
and respond to bar magnets in an analogy to magnetic poles; and his
demonstration of electrodynamic forces between linear conducting wires.
The memoir’s plates illustrate the several instruments that Ampère
devised to carry out his experiments (see below).

Ampère Table
1890 |
Ampère’s scientific genius, while capable of remarkable leaps of
insight, was somewhat lacking in organization and discipline. It often
happened that Ampère would publish a paper one week, only to find the
following week that he had thought of several new ideas that he felt
ought to be incorporated into the paper. Since he could not alter the
original, he would add his revisions to the separately published
reprints of the paper, and even modify the revised versions later if he
felt it necessary; some of his papers exist in as many as five different
A separate reprint of Ampère’s Mémoire was issued in
1821; however, it differs substantially from the journal publication,
which must be considered the original version of this foundation
document in electrodynamics.
DSB. Hofmann, Andre-Marie Ampère, ch. 7 (containing a detailed
account of Ampère’s investigations). Norman 43 (1821 reprint). 37292
Illustrations of Ampère's apparatus from Mémoire
présenté à l’Académie royale des sciences: